Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Marco Polo in Renaissance
Born in 1254 in Venice, Marco Polo is today a well-known figure of pre-Renaissance travels, and for his ground breaking travels to lands never before Journeyed by Europeans. He was an Italian traveler and author, and spent the majority of his life traveling and exploring. His father Nicola and uncle Miffed, both merchants, had conducted business and trade in Constantinople (now known as Istanbul) and the Crimea. However, when Genoas merchants, rivals to the Italian Polo's, took over trade in Constantinople, Nicola and Miffed were forced to find alternative trade opportunities.Thus, in 1260, they set out to the north of the Caspian Sea and reached Babushka (which was on the caravan route to China) and remained there for 3 years. Thereafter, in 1263, Joining the Persian envoys, they made their way to visit the Mongol Emperor Kabuki Khan in Changed (near present Beijing). To arrive there, they traveled the Silk Route via Samara Sand, the Northern Tibetan desert and the Mongolia Steppes. Upon their arrival, Kabuki Khan commissioned them to return with 100 missionaries to convert his nation to Christianity in opposition to the heartening Islamic armies.Over the next 3 years the Polo brothers traveled via Babushka, Persia, Syria and Acre (near Jerusalem) to arrive back home in Venice in 1269. The return to China In 1271, at the age of 17, Marco Polo accompanied his father and uncle back to China, visiting Acre to collect a letter from the newly elected Pope Gregory X for Kabuki Khan. They also collected a flask of oil from the Holy Land and 2 Dominican monks (who were later to desert the Pools) from Gregory X to deliver to the Khan. In the hopes of revealing to India by sea, the Pools traversed Persia to the mouth of the Persian Gulf, Horror.Yet, unsuccessful at finding a suitably safe boat, they continued traveling by land in a North-Easterly direction through Persians deserts and mountains to Karakas (now Khakis), on the Chinese border. As Marco Polo was ill, they waited here for a year to rest, after which they continued Journeying up the River Ox's (now AMA Dairy). They traveled through the Hindu Cush and Pamper mountains, (home of the large horned sheep that now bear Marco Polo's name), after which they traveled along the ringer of the Take Make desert to the region of Lop Nor in Sinking Province, China.Finally they crossed, by meaner of camel caravan, the Gobi Desert to reach (3 and a half years after leaving Europe) Kabuki Khan's court in Changed in 1275. The Pools were the first Europeans to reach most of the territory they had covered, particularly the Gobi Desert and Pamper mountains. Marco Polo's experiences in the Orient Marco Polo became an agent on numerous missions to various parts of the Mongolia Empire for 17 years as a part of the Khan's diplomatic service.As part of his duties, he Journeyed through Tibet as well as along the Yanking, Yellow and upper Mekong rivers. He was probably also the first European to set foot on Burmes e soil. It is believed he visited countries as far field as Siberia to Indonesian archipelago. He also visited the Mongolia capital at Khartoum. It is also believed that Marco Polo was city governor for Yanking (now Honchos) for three years from 1282 to 1285. During all this time, Marco's father and uncle served as military advisors to the Khan.As the Khan aged, the Pools were uneasy as to the Empire's soundness. In 1292 the Polo's escorted the Mongol princess to Persia, where she was to be married to the Persian Khan. They traveled for two years, having to use a sea route as war prevented the use of the land route. With a crew of 600 and a 14-ship fleet, they sailed from Sustain (today known as Quantico) on China's coastline to Horror. On their way to Horror they Journeyed through Sumatra, the Strait of Malice, past Sir Lankan, past the Madman and Nicolai Islands, reaching the city in 1294.By this time, however, only 18 of the original crew had survived, and the Persian Khan had di ed a year earlier, leaving the Mongolia Princess to marry his son. Finally, 24 years after the commencement of their travels, the Pools returned to their hometown of Venice in 1295. By that stage they were very wealthy, as they had sewn precious gems and stones to their clothing for safekeeping. When Venice went to war with Genoa, Marco Polo was a captain in the Venetian fleet. However, he was taken prisoner by theGenomes in 1298, and during his imprisonment dictated the history of his travels to inmate Rustically of Pisa, a writer of romances. When he was released from prison in 1299, he returned to Venice where he married, had 3 daughters, and later died in 1324. He was buried next to his father in the church of Lorenz. Polo's Legacy The account of Polo's travels, first brought to light in French as Liver De Marseilles du Monde, later translated to The Travels of Marco Polo, is most probably the most influential travel book in history.Providing the reader with distinct description s and orphic detail, this account provided pre-Renaissance Europe with an influential and revolutionary knowledge of the geographical make-up, history and life of the Orient. Although known to be somewhat exaggerated with fabulous extravagances, this book became the foundation for the first correct maps of Europe and Asia. The Polo's ultimately inspired Christopher Columbus' interest in the East and spurred him on to set off on a new west-ward route to the Orient in 1492, and later spurring Vases dad Gamma to round the Cape of Good Hope in another new voyage in 1497.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Corruption Free Society Essay Essay
Corruption is silently eating into the vitals of our nation like termite. Bit by bit, it is denting our dignity and compromising our soul. Not only does it affect individuals like you and me but alarmingly it affects our nation as a whole. Imagine our nation slowly transforming into a nation of scoundrels and imbeciles. The odds, that next person you meet on the street, having either asked for or having paid a bribe, are getting higher by the day. All this exhibits a problem that is not going anywhere soon and mocks the high moral ground that we aspire to occupy in the international arena. Corruption has afflicted all the organs of our society including the polity, bureaucracy, judiciary, police, businessmen, and even public at large. It has rendered our governance apparatus hollow and ineffective. Countless efforts to combat corruption have not made any significant dent into this hydra headed monster. It simply keeps growing bigger & bigger, consuming new and old alike. Things have come to such a pass that it is much more difficult for an honest person to survive in the system while the dishonest are clearly made to feel at home. Such a system forces even fresh recruit to quickly fall in line and creates a vicious circle that promotes corruption. So how do we break this vicious circle? This forum aspires not just to discuss & vent pent up anger. It also aims to become a means for gauging the level of Corruption in society. One of the primary reasons for Corruption to flourish is the utter secrecy associated with it. Everyone knows it is there but no one talks about it. Lets start talking about it, right here.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Characteristics of Orientalism Essay Example for Free
Characteristics of Orientalism Essay There are several differences between the Arab and Muslim groups. The actuality is that Arabs are an ethnic group and Muslims are a religious group. A Muslim is a person who practices the Islam religion. In the world, most Muslims are not necessarily Arabs and most Arabs are not necessarily Muslims. ââ¬Å"Orientalism is the simplistic view of the people and history of the Orient, with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its many culturesâ⬠(Schaefer, 2006). This term is a misrepresentation of people from the East by those in the West. One characteristic is stereotyping the difference in religious expression. Discrimination and prejudice are other characteristics of orientalism. For example, the overemphasis of Arab and Muslim women wearing face veils in the media. This is seen as oppressing women but yet the history behind it is not being told. After the 9/11 attacks, the USA Patriot Act, which was passed in October 2001, had specific provisions that condemned discrimination against Arab and Muslim Americans. This act was revised because it had been accused of contributing to the fear within the Arab and Muslim communities. Unfortunately, all policies were not changed in a positive way. The U. S. Department of Justice required all foreign-born Muslim men to report to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. They have to be fingerprinted, photographed, and interviewed. There are several things that individuals can do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities. One way to achieve this is by treating everyone equally. Another way to reduce prejudice is by educating ourselves about a personââ¬â¢s culture. If we can gain an understanding of an individualââ¬â¢s cultural background, we are opening up our minds to realize that those that we consider ââ¬Å"differentâ⬠may have similar views. Characteristics of Orientalism. (2018, Oct 13).
Strategic Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategic Human Resource Management - Essay Example Strategy has over the time replaced the use of planning to illustrate a well laid down pattern of making decisions and taking actions by the upper management in an organisation towards a specific goal. Therefore, SHRM is critical in determining the success of any business entity and in steering the entire material and human resource in the organisation towards the common goal. Strategic management is mainly determined by three factors in an organisation, which are the resources, environment and the management that has to control and allocate resources towards the success of an organisation. An organisation has to operate in an uncertain environment with external factors such as economic and socio-cultural factors affecting decisions and operations in the company. Consequently, strategic management requires that the HR manager defines measures to facilitate organisational performance through strategies address the prevailing socio-cultural and economic forces. Economic and social-cult ural factors have an active role in determining the effectiveness of a human resource strategy in an organisation. For instance, while politicians are responsible for making tax decisions and other decisions that lead to policy formulation in a country, such policies affects economic factors in the business environment. Moreover, exchange rates, income growth, unemployment, industrial classification and customer confidence in an organisation are all factors that are closely rated to political dynamics, which affects economic factors in an organisation (Thompson, 2002). In addition, these factors have an effect on social aspects, while social factors do impact on them as well. Social factors are responsible for determining the dynamics in a society and include demographics and the overall population dynamics, which comprise of factors such as education level, income distribution, age distribution, mobility, customer behavior and entrepreneurial dynamics (Thompson, 2002). Pollution, g ender roles, fashion, harmful factors, lifestyle, among others are examples of socio-cultural factors that affect operations in an organisation (Pearce & Robinson, 2005). Moreover, the human resource manager has to put in place strategies to address the health services of the workers their social security in pensions, and has to consider work force mobility and work culture dynamics. These social-cultural factors translate to increased costs to the organisation, and the HR has to come up with strategies to ensure perform while at the same time cutting down costs. There are varying changes in the business operating environment that are caused by increasing forces of globalization, changes in demographics of the companyââ¬â¢s workforce, intellectual capital and other changes that force an organisation to have a different approach in mangling human resources(Wright, 1998). A highly performing human resource approach that fails in establishing strategic integration lacks the competit ive advantage for survival, and would gradually lose its ground in the current market (Kazmi & Ahmed, 2001). In order to have operational excellence, research has shown that human resource managers have to align with the business strategic goals. Considering that a business is affected by external environmental factors such as economic and social-cultural factors, an effective HR manager has to pu
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci - Essay Example These characterizations of Leonardo that originated in Vasari's Lives held particular significance for modern art. In the nineteenth-century atmosphere in which artists' training was based on the emulation of masters, Leonardo offered an alternative to the traditions represented by Raphael and Michelangelo particularly because he united art with science. From birth, Vasari's Leonardo is set apart from other artists, divinely endowed with supernatural gifts of beauty, grace, and talent; this last quality is evident in his mastery of all subjects he considered, made possible by his "mind of regal boldness and magnanimous daring" (Vasari 366). His wide-ranging intellect is a mixed blessing, a key to his success and to his undoing. Leonardo "would without doubt have made great progress in learning and knowledge of the sciences, had he not been so versatile and changeful, but the instability of his character caused him to undertake many things which having commenced he afterwards abandone d" (Vasari 366-367). Leonardo made rapid progress in arithmetic, though he confounded his teacher "by the perpetual doubts he started, and by the difficulty of the questions he proposed" (Vasari 367). A gifted musician, he improvised verses and music for the lute. "But, though dividing his attention among pursuits so varied, he never abandoned his drawing, and employed himself much in works of relief, that being the occupation which attracted him more than any other (Vasari 368)." His success in Verrocchio's workshop was based on his intelligence, especially his knowledge of geometry, a necessary skill for a painter. Ultimately, Vasari notes, the artist's abilities as a painter surpassed those of his master (Vasari 371). His talents were never limited to painting, though "as he had resolved to make painting his profession, he gave the larger portion of time to drawing from nature" (Vasari 368). Leonardo sketched architectural plans and designed entire buildings. He designed water-po wered mills, machines, and engines, and was the first to suggest that, by transforming the river Arno, a canal could link Pisa with Florence (Vasari 368). Leonardo, "frequently occupied with the construction of models and the preparation of designs for the removal or the perforation of mountains," also showed how to raise or draw great weights through levers, cranes, and screws (Vasari 369). He designed methods to clean and maintain ports and havens, and to obtain water from great depths. "From speculations of this kind he never gave himself rest," recording them on the pages of his notebooks (Vasari 369). Not all of his projects had such immediately recognizable application, however; he "wasted not a little time" intertwining cords like those he assembled to form the emblem of his academy (Vasari 369). Mental powers contributed to Leonardo's social and artistic success. "His memory also was always so ready and so efficient in the service of his intellect, that in discourse he won a ll men by his reasonings, and confounded every antagonist, however powerful, by the force of his arguments" (Vasari 368). He was so charismatic that, with a model or a drawing, Leonardo could convince a listener of the impossible. With his scheme for raising the Florentine
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Health Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Health Benefits - Essay Example In addition, this paper outlines a design of an outcomes measurement strategy and a plan for my organization to use to assess the quality of care and reduce risk. According to Beattie (2014), one of the ways to evaluate quality of care offered to my employees by my health benefits contractor involves assessing health care processes. In essence, there are rules, guidelines, and standards that ought to be followed in provision of care. For instance, a physician or health care provided should treat a patients medical records with utmost confidentiality. Subsequently, a physician ought to consider the feelings of patient and as well respect his or her decision in regard to care (Kleinman and Dougherty, 2013). Therefore, I would ask my employees to appraise whether all these factors were considered in the care provided by the health care benefits contractor. Secondly, I would evaluate the quality of care by investigating whether the intended outcomes or results were achieved (Beattie, 2014). All health care services are intended to improve the overall health status of a patient. Achievement of predicted results in relation to care denotes the fact that the services provided were of high quality. Poor services are very unlikely to achieve the intended outcomes. For attainment of predicted or expected outcomes, it is of significance to design an outcomes measurement strategy or a plan to use to assess the quality of care. In elucidation, the design would include implementation of action plans to compare and contrast outcomes of medical processes within my organization with other analogous organizations (Nash and Goldfarb, 2006). Such comparison would help identify areas of weaknesses and ultimately lead to improvement of services. It is however worth noting that health outcomes are impacted by a number of factors. Patients can be divided into clusters, for instance, in terms of the diseases they are suffering from and age groups. This would
Friday, July 26, 2019
Finite Element Analysis of structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Finite Element Analysis of structures - Essay Example Each element contains nodes which are points were the elements are mathematically connected to one another. The idea of dividing a domain up into subdomains is the basic principle of how FEA works' FEA consists of a computer model of a material or design that is stressed and analyzed for specific results. It is used in new product design, and existing product refinement. A company is able to verify a proposed design will be able to perform to the client's specifications prior to manufacturing or construction. Modifying an existing product or structure is utilized to qualify the product or structure for a new service condition. In case of structural failure, FEA may be used to help determine the design modifications to meet the new condition. There are generally two types of analysis that are used in industry: 2-D modeling, and 3-D modeling. While 2-D modeling conserves simplicity and allows the analysis to be run on a relatively normal computer, it tends to yield less accurate results. 3-D modeling, however, produces more accurate results while sacrificing the ability to run on all but the fastest computers effectively. Within each of these modeling schemes, the programmer can insert numerous algorithms (functions) which may make the system behave linearly or non-linearly. Linear systems are far less complex and generally do not take into account plastic deformation. Non-linear systems do account for plastic deformation, and many also are capable of testing a material all the way to fracture. How Does Finite Element Analysis Work' FEA uses a complex system of points called nodes which make a grid called a mesh . This mesh is programmed to contain the material and structural properties which define how the structure will react to certain loading conditions. Nodes are assigned at a certain density throughout the material depending on the anticipated stress levels of a particular area. Regions which will receive large amounts of stress usually have a higher node density than those which experience little or no stress. Points of interest may consist of: fracture point of previously tested material, fillets, corners, complex detail, and high stress areas. The mesh acts like a spider web in that from each node, there extends a mesh element to each of the adjacent nodes. This web of vectors is what carries the material properties to the object, creating many elements. A wide range of objective functions (variables within the system) are available for minimization or maximization: Mass, volume, temperature Strain energy, stress strain Force, displacement, velocity, acceleration Synthetic (User defined) There are multiple loading conditions which may be applied to a system. Next to Figure 3, some examples are shown: Point, pressure (Figure 3), thermal, gravity, and centrifugal static loads Thermal loads from solution of heat transfer analysis Enforced displacements Heat flux and convection Point, pressure and gravity dynamic loads Each FEA program may come with an element library, or one is constructed over time. Some sample elements are: Rod elements Beam elements Plate/Shell/Composite elements Shear panel Solid elements Spring elements Mass elements Rigid elements Viscous damping elements Many FEA programs also are equipped with the capability to use multiple materials within the structure such as: Isotropic, identical throughout Orthotropic, identical at 90 degrees General anisotropic, different throughout Types of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
What is social justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What is social justice - Essay Example These states, events and processes include our actions, beliefs and thinking (Gao, 96). The relation between an event A and another event B poses a philosophical problem when there is something between A and B that makes the relationship between them problematic. The mind and body have many features that are said to be responsible for our sense of problem because they interact causally. Rene Descartes held a long tradition in philosophy that the mind is a non-bodily entity (Gao 98). He described the mind as a soul or mental substance. When the mind is said to be a mental substance, it is not implied to be made up of a non-physical material. The term substance, in a traditional philosophical use, refers to a substance as an entity. The mental substances in the mind and body are non-material or non-physical objects that exist independently of a physical object like the body of a person (Cahn, 117). But how do such objects relate to physical objects? Determinism is the philosophical view that all events have a cause. It posits that all mental and physical states of affairs are the result of their causes and in a way have a scientific law. Determinism comes with various implications. For example, it does not believe in free will, miracles or chance about the occurrence of various phenomena. Determinists argue that the future event or past event can be calculated (Gao 106). A special form of determinism believes that some mental processes might not be caused even though physical processes are caused. According to them, choices involve mental processes, thus have no actual effects in the extreme world. For example, when one watches a movie twice, he/she doe not hope for a different outcome, but do so in the interest in the event. One of the scholars that held the determinist view was Isaac Newton. Newton challenged the phenomenon around him when he ventured into discovering the cause a fruit from the top of a tree. His determination to question the its
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Reflect on the syndrome approach as a way to analyse complex systems Essay
Reflect on the syndrome approach as a way to analyse complex systems. How did it help - Essay Example In an attempt to reduce these nightmares another nightmare has been created. Hayden (2004) indicates that suburbia promised the ââ¬Ëtriple dreamââ¬â¢ of community, house and land with back yard pools and flowering trees. However, it has led to a rather complex problem. This is described as the ââ¬Å"Suburbia Syndromeâ⬠. The Suburbia Syndrome has been linked to a number of ills including obesity. The suburbia has also been linked to the crisis that unfolded in the recent past with the housing bust and the collapse of many financial institutions. Wasik (2009) has described the situation as the worst housing bust of all times and has linked it the realization of the American dream. The quest by every American to live in the suburbs is unsustainable as there is a connection between, economics, home ownership and the environment. The price of energy and other factors make it very clear that the present course of suburbia is unsustainable. Suburban conditions have been linked t o a situation of wastefulness and unsustainability. Jackson (1985, cited in Hayden 2004) indicated that the lengthy process of suburbanization would slow down because of rising energy and land costs which would lead people back to urban centers. However, this was not to be as ââ¬ËAmericans have settled on the fringes of metropolitan regionsââ¬â¢ much faster than they have ever done (Hayden 2004). More Americans were living the suburbs in 2000 than those living in central cities and rural areas combined (Hayden 2004). Many of the key economic and cultures centers including corporate headquarters and regional theaters had relocated to the suburbs. This was so while space was becoming more abundant in the urban centers. This indicates moving from one problem to another as the move to relieve the urban centers of certain problems have created the same problems elsewhere. Once a suburban area has been established the promoters
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
SADDAM HUSEIN Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
SADDAM HUSEIN - Research Paper Example There is a brief mention of his ruling style in Iraq. Then a brief outline of Iran-Iraq war is given. His invasion of Kuwait and the gulf war is discussed next. The American attack on Iraq in 2003 is discussed in the end. The fall of his government, capture of Bagdad and his hiding is given in this part. This work ends with mentions of events like capture of Saddam Hussein, his trial in Iraqi special court and is execution by Hanging. Introduction: Saddam Hussein was one of the most remarkable figures in the history of the world. He was one of those men in the world who have changed the course of history. His rise and fall is linked with many important events in the history. His rise to power was an important event in the Middle East. Then there was Iran-Iraq War in which Iraq, under the leadership of Saddam, fought a prolonged war against its neighbour Iran. There was Gulf War; which was the direct consequence of his invasion in Kuwait. President George Bush Sr. Sent troops to free Kuwait from the clutches of Saddam. Then in 2003 a coalition force of mainly US force and some British force invaded Iraq and marked the end of Saddam Hussein. Birth and Early Years: Saddam Hussein was born on April 28 in the year 1937 in a poor Iraqi family. His birth place was a village near the Iraqi town, Tikrit. Few years after his birth, his father died. His mother married again. Saddam had an uncle, his motherââ¬â¢s brother, named Khairallah Talfah. Khairallah was a leader of an anti-king group. Some people in Iraq were not happy with the Iraqi king. They thought he was too close to Britain and was controlled by Britain. Khairallah was imprisoned for his anti government activities. Later he was released and took a job as a teacher. In 1947 at the age of 10 Saddam came to stay with his uncle. He was admitted to school. In 1955 Khairallah moved to Bagdad, and Saddam came along with him. His uncle was still anti-government and had interests in anti-government movements. They had the same allegation against the king: that he was under the power of Great Britain. Staying in Bagdad with his uncle Saddam too became interested in politics. He was influenced by his uncle and became an anti-king too. He even took part in 1952 riot in Bagdad. This was the beginning of his political career. Around this time his uncle introduced him with Ahmed Hassan-al-Bakr, an army general and his relative. Khairallah wanted him to take Saddam as his protege (Anderson, 2004, pp.10-16). Beginning of Political Career: Around 1956-57 Saddam started attending Baââ¬â¢ath Party meetings. The partyââ¬â¢s ambitious aim was to form a pan-Islamic union with all the Arabian nations. Saddam was inspired by the partyââ¬â¢s ideology and became a supporter. He joined the party in a minor post but he was popular among his comrades. The popularity of Baââ¬â¢ath Party grew in Iraq and other Arab nations. At the same time, anger against the Great Britainââ¬â¢s favourite the Iraqi k ing grew. There was a state of unrest and people were on the streets. In 1958 general Abdel Karim Kassem marched into Bagdad. He killed the king and the Prime Minister along with other important government officers and took the power. Baââ¬â¢ath supported Kassem at the beginning. But the party had differences with him. Kassem did not like them either. Gradually the distance between Kassem and Baââ¬â¢ath increased. They became enemy of Kassem. Baââ¬â¢ath party leaders made a plot to kill Kassem. Saddam and six other party youths were selected to carry out the
Social Integration Essay Example for Free
Social Integration Essay India from time immemorial, people belonging to various religious faiths lived in harmony and peace. There are fundamental values and traditions in our culture that promote integration among different communities. This was helpful for the growth of a great civilization in the Indian sub-continent. It will be our endeavour as the citizens of this country to preserve the rich tradition of Social Harmony among diverse religious and ethnic groups and pass it over to the future generations. Even though communal tensions in India are well under control, there is no place for omplacency as many internal and external forces are waiting with their ulterior motives sowing the seeds of ill-will. Human needs can be found as the same everywhere in the world if we look at it from biological and psychological perspectives. Irrespective of the geographic, linguistic or religious differences humans everywhere have common biological needs like hunger, thirst, sex etc; the satisfaction of which is essential for their survival. Similarly man has psychological needs like, need for recognition, need for companionship, need for security, need for prestige etc. he fulfillment of which is inevitable for maintaining sound mental health. Man cannot satisfy most of such needs through his own individual efforts. He requires the assistance of his fellow members of the group in this regard. That is why human beings are considered as social animals. A cooperative integrated society is most congenial for leading a healthy social life. Religion is one of the social institutions found in all human societies. It assists man to establish and maintain harmonious relationships with the supernatural forces that are believed to have direct influence in the fortunes of man. Moreover religion is one of the agents contributing to the integration of society. Religion provides We feeling among its members. Performance of religious rites, participation in festivals, leadership provided by priests and religious functionaries, following many common beliefs and values, etc reinforces the unity among the members of a religion. Even though holy books and teachings of each religion claim that they help man reach God, none of them propagate hatred against other faiths. All religions in their essence assist people to live in harmony with members of the society. According to Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India the communal problem is not a religious problem, it has nothing to do with religion. Nobody can blame the presence of diverse religions for the emergence of communal problems in the world. Even though all religions proclaim the universal brotherhood of man, history is full of bloody, violent conflicts between members of different religions. Many battles were fought between Muslims and Christians, Jews and Muslims, Hindus and Muslims and so on in the past. Many such struggles are going on even now like the conflict etween Muslims and Jews in Palestine. A deeper analysis of the causative factors of these conflicts shows that in all these situations non-religious, often political and economic interests were instrumental to these problems. Religious identity was used root cause of communalism is not the presence of many religions in the country. When religious sentiments are exploited with an economic or political motive the resultant effect gives rise to the genesis of communalism. According to Madan (2001) communalism is the political expression of religion. He defined communalism as an deology, which envisages the religious community as a political group committed to the protection and promotion of its social and economic interests and cultural values. While communalism is a feeling or state of mind existing at a psychological level, communal conflict or riot is its overt expression. Once generated, communalism remains in the minds of people always, and communal conflicts emerge only occasionally when there is a total breakdown in the good relations between two communities. From a sociological perspective social conflict by its very nature cannot ontinue indefinitely. During communal violence each community used it as an occasion to harm the interests of the rival community who may be socially or economically sound. The feelings of relative deprivation felt by one community is often converted into violent attacks against a well placed community. This is what happened in 1984 when there were violent attacks against the Sikhs in different parts of the country after the assassination of the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi by her body guards who happened to be from the Sikh community. Investigations onducted later by sociologists and many other social scientists proved that Sikhs who were economically well placed were attacked and members of other communities who were Jealous of their prosperity looted their shops. People with vested interests to attain their ulterior goals exploited this particular context by exploiting the religious sentiments. One must not confuse communalism with communal violence, rioting etc. Poorly conceived Communal ideology leads to communal violence. Communal violence is a consequence of the spread of misunderstood and ill-conceived communal ideology. But it is not the crux of the communal situation at all. Communal ideology cannot only exist, but can grow for decades before it takes the form of violence. This book contains some of the selected papers presented in the National Conference on Social Integration and Communal Harmony organized by the Kerala Sociological Society from 1st to 3rd December 2006 at Sree Narayana College, Thiruvananthapuram. Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon in his paper Constitutionalism and Management of Diversity in Multi-cultural Societies deals with the significance of Indian Constitution o manage various problems in a multi-cultural society. He points out that secularism is a basic feature of the constitution which cannot be changed even by parliament. There is no state religion and the state is prohibited against discrimination on the basis of religion. He believes that for multi-culturalism can survive and communal harmony can prevail only when we ensure equality of status among people and second part of the paper, the author focuses his attention on the concept of social integration. He notices that the constitutional strategy to promote fraternity is helpful to attain social integration. In this context the author recommends a Uniform Civil Code for the entire nation. However, political parties do not support this view because no political party is ready to talk about it, because of the vested interests involved especially because of the vote bank politics. In her paper, Social Integration and Communal Harmony, Prof. M. Indukumari presents the multiple factors and contexts that influence social integration and communal harmony. First of all she explains the significance of this theme in the present Indian context. According to her view, the prime concern of any nation iming at development should be the attainment of social / national integration. Moreover, she argues that despite some differences at ritual, social and cultural levels among different religions, there is conspicuous commonality at the level of values that promotes communal harmony. The author lists many examples of inter religious co-operation that exist in Kerala for a long period. However, she also points out that this rosy picture of Kerala is changing gradually and this society has started showing symptoms of religious intolerance and communal violence. This paper gives due consideration towards the debate on the need for a Uniform Civil Code for India. Another concern of this paper is to show how communal violence affects the interests of the vulnerable sections like women, religious minorities, tribals, dalits etc. The author expresses confidence that NGOs can play a crucial role in maintaining communal harmony. In the concluding part of the paper she identifies certain strategies to promote communal harmony. On the whole this paper provides a comprehensive picture of social integration and communal harmony in India. M. K. George in his article on Tolerance is various faiths attempted to highlight how various faiths and religions can contribute to the building of tolerance in the world. He stresses that every religion contains components of belief, rituals, information and knowledge, behavioural consequences and the expectations that guide the whole system. The author briefly looks at Bhuddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinuduism and observes that in discussing religion as an instrument of peace and harmony one needs to make this distinction between religiosity, which only can ivide, and spirituality which can unite all believers. Religiosity focuses on differences, where as spirituality emphasizes what is common. Spirituality provides meaning to life and reality. Spritiuality connects, with the self, others, god and native. He stresses that the social scenario in India and the world over demands an active Youth population striving for peace and tolerance and hence the Youth needs to take this agenda. The paper Secular Legacy and Communal Paradox The case of Kerala contributed by Dr. Antony Palackal presents some unconventional interpretations of the communal ituation in Kerala. The author observes that secularism, the characteristic facet of nowadays there seems to be an alarming spread of communal and fascist forces in the State. This article marks an enquiry into the characteristics and dynamics of the emergent communalism in Kerala and tries to trace its secular legacy and the communal paradox. The first part of the paper seeks to unfold the secular legacy and the opposite reality of communalism that has engulfed it. The second part is a discussion on the unique forms of communal manifestations in Kerala. The third part s an exploration into the evolution of the growing communalism in Kerala. The concluding section briefly sketches the relation between communalism and spirituality vis-Ã ¤-vis religion and the possible manner in which the growing menace of communalism may be addressed. The paper reveals that communalism gives rise to a heightened sense of identity and belongingness as it operates on the basis of the theory of polarization. Polarization results in emotional, mental or physical mobilization of individuals and groups to cause cohesion within a group . However it divides people as members of larges communities. The author feels that religious and/or caste sectarianism and communal interests dominate most of our political life today. The paper conclude with an optimistic note that a viable alternative to the prevailing communal paradox appears to be the resurgence of societal consciousness born out of neo-renaissance movements capable of regaining the lost secular legacy of Kerala. The paper Hindu Response to Conversion Threat: Questions on Conversion and Social Equality written by ShaJi. A is undertaking a historical analysis of the communal situation in 20th Century Kerala. The major focus of this paper is on The Temple Entry Proclamation of Travancore, 1936 that was a turning point in the history of modern Kerala. This proclamation put an end to the inhuman practice of untouchability and it opened a new future to the oppressed classes in Travancore. The author notices that before 1936 several low caste people of Travancore including Ezhavas converted themselves into other religions especially Christianity since they found it as the easiest way to escape from the caste tyranny. However, Sree Narayana Guru, leader of SNDP movement was successful in reventing this tide of conversion to Christianity or to Buddhism. The Ezhavas were also interested in Islam and Sikhism. When the low caste Hindus including Ezhavas started large-scale conversion to Christianity, it became an eye-opener for progressive Hindu reformers. Efforts were made to bring back the converted Hindus to Hinduism under the initiative of the Hindu Mission. By permitting entry to all Hindus to the temples, low caste Hindus including Ezhavas were retained in their religion. This paper clearly explains how Temple Entry Proclamation assisted the Hindu leaders to meet the challenges of conversion.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Title VII in the Workplace Essay Example for Free
Title VII in the Workplace Essay History and evolution. Many employees can face discrimination or sexual harassment claims nowadays. Even in the US Congress, such cases are reported frequently. It is very difficult for the managers of companies to deal with this kind of problems because they can cost large sums of money to the company. For example, TX Bar Journal estimated that the average large corporation pays approximately $6.7 million to investigate, defend, and either settle or pay judgments for sexual harassment claims. Therefore, it has become very important for companies, especially nowadays, to pay lots of attention to legislation regulating discrimination in the workplace. It is much cheaper for the company to make studies of the necessary laws and make sure human resources management always takes into consideration everything marked in those acts than suffer losses from claims. Even though it is impossible to take into consideration every single aspect marked in the legislation, most of them can be followed without any difficulties. All of the people working and living in the United States want to have equal abilities for working and developing their career and building their happy future. If in the beginning of the century discrimination could be not punished, at present people believe in the ideals of democracy and fight for their rights because they want to have a prosperous future. People of different religions and outlooks live and work in the US and it is very important for companies to ensure equal conditions for them in the workplace. Title VII is one of the most important laws regulating the mentioned problems. Title VII coverage. Title VII is one of the most general laws which protects individuals from job discrimination in different fields, while all other laws regulating job discrimination sphere focus on issues which were not completely covered in the Title VII or which need some special description. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was adopted in 1964 which makes it the oldest law in the list of laws regulating discrimination in the workplace and which therefore means that it is a basic law in the field. Title VII covers all of the private employers, state and local governments, and education institutions that employ 15 or more individuals, private and public employment agencies, labor organizations, and joint labor management committees controlling apprenticeship and training. General characteristics, policies, and impact. According to Title VII, it is considered illegal to discriminate in the following aspects of employment, such as: hiring and firing; compensation, assignment, or classification of employees; transfer, promotion, layoff, or recall; job advertisements; recruitment; testing; use of company facilities; training and apprenticeship programs; fringe benefits; pay, retirement plans, and disability leave; or other terms and conditions of employment. The mentioned aspects are the most important in the field because they cover all the general areas of discrimination where an individual can be denied his rights. There are also some other aspects which Title VII also prohibits, for example harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age; retaliation against an individual for filing a charge of discrimination, participating in an investigation, or opposing discriminatory practices. The act prohibits employment decisions based on stereotypes or assumptions about the abilities, traits, or performance of individuals of a certain sex, race, age, religion, or ethnic group, or individuals with disabilities; and denying employment opportunities to a person because of marriage to, or association with, an individual of a particular race, religion, national origin, or an individual with a disability. It is considered an unlawful employment practice for an employer to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, or privileges of employment, because of such individuals race, religion, sex, or origin. Title VII also prohibits discrimination because of participation in schools or places of worship associated with a particular racial or religious group. Title VII prohibits not only intentional discrimination, but also practices that have the effect of discriminating against individuals because of their race, color, national origin. For example, at some jobs employers might want to require their employees to conduct their work only in English and therefore they have to speak English fluently, or otherwise they will not be employed. According to Title VII, this is going to be considered discrimination unless the employer can prove that without this knowledge, the employee will be unable to conduct any work in the particular job for which he is applying. Oftentimes people cannot get a particular job not because of their disability to work in this position but because some member of the family is of a certain race which is considered unacceptable by the employer, or because of religion which appears unacceptable to the employer, or because the individual is disabled, or because he does not speak English. Without any legislation prohibiting those practices, employees could never be protected against those practices and would have to suffer from discrimination which becomes very common in such multinational society as American Society. That is why human resources management in the companies should always be knowledgeable in all the aspects which Title VII and all other discrimination prohibiting legislation cover and make sure they avoid all the practices which may discriminate against certain employees or job applicants. Bibliography. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA). Civil Rights Act of 1991.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
An Investigation of the Recruitment and Selection Procedures
An Investigation of the Recruitment and Selection Procedures INTRODUCTION In any organization the most vital organ is human recourses. In the organizations effective functioning the employees play an important role. In the todays business atmosphere, the main challenge of the managers is the selection of the right candidate, then development of the candidate and the retention of the candidate in the organization. Human resources have the potential to take an organization to the sky of success. Human resource management is designed to improve the employees performance and effectiveness in the fulfillment of the aims of the organization. The recruitment of the effective, efficient and deserving candidates is very difficult task for the human resource department of the company. The human resource policy regulates the task of the recruitment in the organization. The recruitment process is based on the requirement of the organization. The human resource department should also be effective enough to recruit the capable candidates. This dissertation will explains the processes and procedures involved in the Selection and Recruitment in Tata Teleservices Ltd. (TATA Docomo). LITERATURE REVIEW The human resource department is responsible for the selection and recruitment of the effective, eligible and capable candidates for the organization. The decision of the human resource department to recruit one wrong candidate can prove fatal for the organization, in terms of money, time and reputation of the company. To avoid this mistake, the organizations have already developed the new methods and ways of selection and recruitments. There should be proper planning and proper policy for the selection of the candidates. Recruitment Recruitment involves the search and stimulation of the candidates to apply the vacancies in the organization. The increase in productivity, morale, wages, etc can be achieved with the proper planning of selection and recruitment process. As the recruitment process acts as the stimulant to the candidates to apply the vacancies in the organization, so it is regarded as the positive process. Sources of Recruitment There are two sources of recruitment Internal b) External Internal Sources The internal recruitment is the process of the identification of the potential candidates who are currently working in the organization who can fulfill the requirements of the new vacancies in the organization. In this the current employees are offered the new vacant positions, like promotion of the employee to the higher post which is vacant. This also boosts up the morale of the other employees and they also perform well to get the promotion to the higher post. There are internal advertisements for the information of the employees. External Sources The human resource departments of the organizations are dependent on the external sources. The main external sources are as follows: Information Commercials. It is the way to inform the potential candidates about the recruitment process through the print media like newspapers, magazines, journals, pamphlets, posters etc. these are also called as recruitment advertisements. These helps in spreading the information to millions of people at one time. The job seeking candidates responds to such advertisements very quickly. Employment Organizations. These are also the efficient source for the inflow of the capable candidates for the vacant posts in the organization. These employment agencies initially interviews the candidates, then if they are found fit for the vacant post only then they are referred to the recruiting organization. This makes the process of recruitment simpler for the organization as the organization need to deal with only capable persons. Generally, these recruitment organizations charge fees from the employer but sometimes they also charge from the candidates also. It depends on the organization to organization. Colleges and Universities. The process of recruitment of the candidates directly from the colleges and universities is known as the on campus recruitment drive. It is often executed whenever there is need of the professional qualified and technically sound candidates for the vacant posts. Referrals In this, the current employees forward the credentials of the candidates who are capable and eligible for the vacant posts in the organization. The employees are free to recommend the candidates for the vacant posts. This the effective method as company gets the necessary information regarding the capabilities of the candidates referred from the existing employees. This also increases the favoritism and it can lead in degrading the morale of the employees. Casual aspirants. There are the candidates who themselves visit the organization and drop their resumes in the organization. Whenever the posts are generated the organization also considers them. Labor Unions. There are some occupations which recruits the candidates referred by the labor unions, like maritime, hotels and construction companies. This source is chosen by the organization because it is the in-expensive method of recruitment. The Recruitment Procedure Whenever the vacancy is generated in the organization then the human resource department starts the process of recruitment. There are predefined steps in this process. in these steps the qualification and capabilities of the candidates is tested to find out whether they are eligible or not for the certain vacancy. Execute job analysis. With the generation of the new vacancy, it is necessary to know about the job and its requirements only then the human resource department can recruit the suitable candidates for that particular job. In this analysis the task and duties are identified which is required by the particular job. This process involves three steps: The environment analysis, where the man power will work; Determination and identification of the responsibilities and duties to be discharged. The identification of the tasks involved in the particular job. Job Description Designing It is the written document which houses the objectives, aims, the tasks, duties and responsibilities involved in the particular job, the requirements which are needed for the fulfillment of the objectives of the job. These written documents is helpful the suitable employee selection, in their training and orientation processes. It provides the directions to the new employees also. This job description helps the HR department and the employee both in the achievement of the desired tasks to fulfill the organizations goals. Development of the specifications of the particular job The job specifications and description both are necessary in understanding of the job. One the description is written then comes the specifications it includes that what kind of employee will be suitable for this particular job, what skills that employee should have in himself/herself. The education and technical skills needed to do the particular job. Attracting the applicants It is one of the important steps in the recruitment. The success in future can be determined by the attraction power of the organization which attracts the applicants to apply for a particular job in that organization. This attraction power is totally dependent on the recruitment sources adopted by the organization. SELECTION When the required number of applicants applies for the particular job, then the process of the selection of the right candidate begins. The selection process ensures that the best suitable candidates in terms of skills, education and experience should be chosen for the particular job. The selections main goal is to match the job requirements with the persons individual characteristics. The candidates selected in the selection process should be confident enough to meet the goals of the organization. Selection Method Selection method is the positive elimination process, which eliminates the candidates who are not suitable and eligible for the particular job. It means the job requirement does not match with individuals characteristics. This method should be designed to gather all the information about the candidates. The candidate is declared to be selected only if he/she qualifies all the steps involved in the selection process. It can be fatal for the organization if it chooses the wrong candidate for the particular job. The wrong selection attracts the increase in expenses, wastage of the time of organization. To avoid such situation the well planned process should be designed. The reception of the applicants, the different departments inform the human resource departments about vacancies to be filled in their department and inform them about the skills needed by the candidates to apply for these vacancies. When the department receives the applications from the candidates, then the process of selection is started. Preliminary/First Round Screening, In this step, the instant assessments of the applicants capabilities are judged by the human resource department employees. Here the candidates who do not meet the requirements of the job description are eliminated in this step. This is the candidates first interaction with the company. This step reduces the time of the selection process as the unsuitable candidates are shunted out in this and only eligible candidates are qualified for the next process. These interviews are of short durations. The human resources executives execute these interviews. Here the interviewers get the desired application forms filled from the candidates. This steps works on the mechanism of the filter, here the capable candidates are kept and rest is shunted out. Application Blank, The qualified candidates of the first steps enters the second step, here the candidates properly fill up the formal applications, these applications forms are specially made by the human resource executives to get the proper information about the candidates. The following fields are present in the application forms Identification information such as gender, name, fathers name, marital status, number of dependents, weight, height etc. Educational qualifications e.g., schooling, colleges, graduation, post graduation details, languages proficiency etc. Professional Experience. Status of health. Achievements and awards References Psychological factors e.g., salary expectation, previous job leaving reasons etc. Tests for the selection The tests for the selection are designed to get the quotient level of the candidates which cannot be assessed from the application forms. Some to tests for the selection are as follows:- Intelligence tests. An intelligence test explores alertness, comprehension and reasoning abilities of the applicants. Through these tests, managers can predict the future job performance of the applicant. Questions in intelligence tests are job-oriented, and abstract. Personality tests. These tests measure certain characteristics such as emotional maturity, sentiments, conflicts, ascendance, social ability, objectivity etc of a candidate. Whether a candidate is having a sick personality or healthy personality can be determined by these tests. Aptitude tests. It is very important to know as to whether the selected candidate will be capable of learning the job or not. Tests designed to measure the learning capacity of the candidates are known as aptitude tests. They measure whether an individual has the hidden ability to learn a given job, if he is given adequate training. Performance or work sample tests. Such tests are a means of measuring practical ability on a specific job. In performance or work sample tests, the applicant completes some job activity under structured conditions. For instance, a person who has applied for the post of a service representative may be asked to handle a stimulated situation involving a complaining customer. Although they can be costly if special facilities and equipment are needed, performance tests, when devised to closely reflect important aspects of the job, tend to be valid predictors of future performance. Dexterity tests. These tests aim to measure the swiftness with which the prospective employer can make use of various body parts e.g., ability to move hands, eyes etc. Sometimes due to nature of job, these tests become essential. Limitations Tests cannot be relied upon in isolation. Many qualifications and abilities of the candidates can be known at the time of interview or training. It is not possible to predict the success of the candidate on the basis of such tests. Tests have also a high margin of error through it is generally believed that the results are exact and accurate. Comprehensive Interview, A comprehensive interview or an in-depth interview is most delicate aspect of the selection procedure. The information about the candidate which cannot obtained from the application blank, tests and group discussion, may be secured easily if the interview is planned well in advance and is conducted by the interviewer tactfully. Checking References, An applicant may be asked in the application blank to supply two or more references Characteristic reference b) Experience Reference. These references provide information regarding the behaviour of the applicant. A notable limitation of the method is that it lacks standardisation and objectivity. It is natural in case of character reference to give names of references of only those persons who would always write favourably for the applicant. It is very rare to get a frank opinion about the candidate. The other sources to get information about the candidate are professors from whom candidate has studied, colleagues with whom candidate had worked. References may be checked by mail, telephone or a personal visit may be arranged. Approval by the Concerned Department, The candidate is then sent to the line manager for the approval. The personnel department cannot take a final decision regarding selection because the candidate has to actually work under the line managers who are directly responsible for the results of an organisation. At this stage, it is not in the interest of the company to reject the candidate. Instead he may be sent to some other departments. Physical Examination, Only those candidates should be selected who are physically fit. It may not be the last step in the selection process if physical as well as mental fitness is of utmost importance. Physical examinations are designed to ensure that the candidate can perform effectively in the position for which he or she is applying to protect other employees against contagious diseases, to establish a health record for the applicant and to protect the organization against unjust compensation claims. Making the Selection, The applicants who qualify in the selection test, interview, reference check and physical examination are now considered to be eligible to receive an offer of employment. Usually an appointment is made on probation in the beginning. The probation period may range from two months to two years. If the work and conduct of the employee is found satisfactory, he may be confirmed. It is also in the interest of the organization to prepare a waiting list and inform the candidates, in case a person does not join after being selected, the next person on the waiting list may be called. METHODOLOGY Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The advanced learners dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation of enquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research Design A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. JOHN.W.BEST Research may be defined as any organized inquiry designed and carried out to provide information for solving a problem. EMORY Research is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge. ROBERT ROSS Descriptive Research Design Descriptive research design studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing the character of a group. The researcher makes a plan of the study his research work. That will enable the researcher to save and resources such a plan of study or blue print or study is called a research design. Data Collection The study was based on questionnaire method. The study was about the Recruitment and Selection System at Tata Teleservices Ltd. and find out the effectiveness of recruitment. There are two types of data collection: Primary data Secondary data Primary data The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for the first time happen to be original in character. It has been collected through a Questionnaire and personal interview. Secondary data Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the stratified process. It has collected through the manuals, journals Internet. CONCLUSION The Recruitment and Selection Process is one of the basic HR processes. Recruitment Selection is very sensitive as many managers have a need to hire a new employee and this process is always under a strict monitoring from their side. HR management is a part of every managers responsibilities. These responsibilities include placing the right person in the right job, and then orienting, training, and compensating to improve his or her job performance. Tata Teleservices uses two sources of recruitment internal and external source. But they prefer internal source because it gives opportunity to employees within the organization. After recruitment Selection process takes place. This entails establishing the best fit between job requirements and the candidates profile. Selection process includes screening, interview and various tests. Then offer is made to the candidate if he/she accepts it employee undergone through various pre- employment activities like reference check, medical tests, etc. It is imperative to have an efficient and responsive tracking mechanism to evaluate the impact of recruitment on the topline and bottomline. Metrics not only help in evaluating the robustness of internal processes but also provide inputs on customer satisfaction and vendor evaluation parameters. Various metrics like quality metrics, time metrics, cost metrics Review process is used to find out the effectiveness of recruitment processes. TIMESCALE FOR DISSERTATION Task Start Date End Date Title, aim, objectives Done Done Literature Review Questionnaire Preparation Distribution, interviews Data Collection Data Analysis Conclusion References
Saturday, July 20, 2019
My First Time Home :: essays research papers
Shining brightly, in the darkness below the clouds, the lights of tall buildings rose up to meet us. As the plane turned toward Logan airport my anticipation grew; I became anxious, squirming in my seat. The giant Citgo sign, the Prudential, Copley Plaza, Long wharf, and Fenway Park were lit up, and my mind was filled with nostalgic memories that made the descent longer. Bump, thump, bump, thump went my heart as we lowered to the ground. I felt butterflies rise up in my stomach fluttering about like a small circus. My face grew red as my smile grew wider. The excitement grew; I was unable to speak. My body started shaking, if anyone touched me, I would have exploded. Beep, beep went the seat belt sign, and I launching from my chair, annoying all of the more patient passengers around me, yanked the overhead compartment door. Click, it was open, grabbing my backpack, I dashed up the ramp into the terminal. My first victory: I was the first off the plane. Running down the hallway bump, bump, bump, bump, my heartbeat quickened with the pace of my footsteps. The smell of Starbucks cappuccino filled the air, cell phones of all colors in hand, beep, beep, beep went the pagers, my boyfriend's face was warm and bright, my smile grew inches upon seeing him. I ran to his arms, outstretched. As he put squeezed me, my fantasy, my imagination, became reality; I was home for the weekend. He opened the car door, stepping in, I grabbed the cell phone, and I was off. Quickly dialing, beep, bop, beep, boop, every number I had ever known, "Hi is Kat home? Will you tell her Melissa called? Yeah, I'm home for the weekend! School's fine! Bye." Hitting the "clear" button with my left hand, my right hand began reaching and pushing the familiar, preset buttons, on the car radio; fourteen wonderful stations, all playing various types of rock'n'roll, alternative, and popular music, I knew I was in a metropolitan area, for the only cou ntry music stations were at the far end of the dial. We pulled onto "Salem Street", the sign had not changed, green with white lettering, with rust stains on the upper corners. At night the breeze cools over my back and I relish the salt air from the North Shore. Walking up to the doorway I saw the familiar lights, the kitchen was bright, blue everywhere, the countertops filled with leftovers from dinner that evening.
Nuclear Power - Whats missing from the debate? Essay -- Argumentative
Nuclear Power - What's missing from the debate? It is not generally a great idea to apologize for one's paper at the beginning, but the majority of this essay is going to include something which Swatties (or at least, I) have a great tendency to do - through attempting to think critically about issues, end up tearing apart the reasoning/argument of the author we don't think has thought everything through, or with whose opinion we do not agree (which, as some of us were informed by a professor of ours, is not very nice). However, I do think this is a worthwhile exercise, especially when dealing with a very real world problem/debate such as that surrounding nuclear power, as everyone can learn from the holes others see in one's argument. Hopefully, as well, you all will help to point out further discrepancies for me and refute my attacks on the author's behalf. In his essay Yes: Nuclear Power Is Safe, and We Need It, Jagger presents a litany of reasons for why nuclear power is safer than other energy-gathering technologies, why it is economically viable, why all of the fears surrounding its by-products are unfounded. He presents his case for nuclear power almost exclusively in relation to coal-burning energy, however. If nuclear power really will solve all the world's energy problems, including reducing the amount of air pollution released each year (which cuts down on respiratory disease, acid rain, ozone depletion, and the greenhouse effect), providing limitless energy to the world through the use of an infinite resource, and doing everything safely and at extremely low cost, why would one consider it in terms of purely the dirty, environmentally unfriendly, dangerous coal industry? Why not take on all possible energy te... .... It does not require an extreme view, but if one looks at the natural environment as being worthy of consideration, in addition to human life, one may find extremely compelling reasons for rejecting nuclear power on ethical grounds. This ethical rejection would be grounded firmly in reasoning and based on facts surrounding the debate, but would not accept the requisite disposal problems associated with nuclear power. I believe that this is the approach we have discussed in class on numerous occasions, and that Hans has been hoping we would adopt it as the way to defend ourselves and our environment. However, it requires critical thinking, constant questioning, a lot of refuting, and awareness of the (disappointing) potential for impurity in science. I hope we can work on developing these kind of ethical approaches to many of the problems we encounter in the future.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay --
This paper explores the relationship of the pathogenicity of the opportunistic bacterium P. aeruginosa specifically related to the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis and the impact they have on patient care and nursing. Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening, immunosuppressing genetic disorder unto itself, but is a primary cause of opportunistic infection. Studies show that à ¬P. aeruginosa infections, common and often chronic and lethal in CF cases, are most often established between ages 0-3 years in a CF patient and develop undetected until the infection is well established and difficult to treat. Because of physical complications related to a childââ¬â¢s age, immunosuppression exhibited by those affected with cystic fibrosis, versatile nature of the pathogenââ¬â¢s virulence and wide array of habitable environments, and comorbid factors the pathogen contributes to mortality among infected hosts, it is imperative that thorough diagnostic, preventative, and treatment measures be taken regularly and begun as early as possible with a cystic fibrosis infant in order to reduce prevalence and incidence of chronic lung infection. Nursing responsibilities include administration of long-term therapeutic medications, parental teaching, lifestyle planning, maintaining optimal health and vigil monitoring in the clinical setting, referrals, and improving the affected childââ¬â¢s overall growth, development, and happiness. ââ¬Æ' P. aeruginosa in Young Children with Cystic Fibrosis The nature of an immunosuppressing disease among infants invites infection from bacteria normally a part of our normal flora. P. aeruginosa, a common hydrophilic bacterium found in most environments high in moisture, exhibits little virulence until it successfully invades the tissu... ... a necessity, especially during times of hot weather, fever, and excessive exercise in order to prevent hyponatremia. (Nettina, 2010) The nurse should actively encourage the parents to seek ongoing education about their childââ¬â¢s disease and share CF information with family members, teachers, school nurse, and anyone who would care for the child. It may be beneficial to refer the family for social work or support groups dedicated to CF. The nurse should also stress the importance of regular medical care and to pay attention to advances in treatment, recommending several pulmonary function tests, respiratory cultures, and liver enzyme analyses per year. Parent education regarding proactive roles in their childââ¬â¢s health care generally increases the childââ¬â¢s quality of life and longevity and promotes optimal development and growth. (Nettina, 2010; Porth & Matfin, 2009)
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Romeo and Juliet: Impulses and Restraints
Romeo and Julietââ¬â¢s impulses and self-control used in Romeo and Juliet. In the play of Romeo and Juliet, many characters show how they cannot handle the pressure that they are faced with which leads to impulse and action which is taken without thinking it through. Many of the characters show a lack of self-control and exaggerations which leads to broken-hearts and many unfortunate situations which result in deaths and miscommunications. Over the course of Romeos love life, he tends to act on an impulse whenever he sees a girl that he likes based on her looks. Romeo can go from depressed and unhappy because a girl does not love him back, to very happy because he meets another girl that he instantly likes. Before Romeo enters the Capuletââ¬â¢s party, he spills his heart out and tells Benvolio all about how he's feeling about Rosaline because he is very heart-broken that she doesn't love him back. Romeo himself has never spoken to Rosaline and has based his ââ¬Å"loveâ⬠on her looks. ââ¬Å"What doth her beauty serve but as a note/ where I may read who passed that passing fair? / Farewell. Thou canst not teach me to forget. â⬠(Act 1, Scene 1, 228-230) Romeo keeps saying that he will never forget someone like Rosaline and that she is the one and only that he could ever be with. But then he sees Juliet and forgets all about Rosaline. Romeo compares Juliet to a jewel that is hanging off an Ethiop's ear meaning that it stands out. He says that she is the most beautiful girl in the world and that she outshines all the other women like a white dove in the middle of a flock of crows. Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night As a rich jewel in an Ethiopeââ¬â¢s ear-, Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear: So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, (act 1, scene 5, 43-47) Juliet acts on a rash impulse and decision when she sees Romeo at Capulet`s party and she instantly falls in love with him but when she is on the balcony, she shows a little bit of restraint in deciding to marry him. When Romeo finally approaches Juliet at the party, they talk for a bit then share a kiss twice with each other. Once the two parts their ways, Juliet knows she has fallen in love with Romeo right away and she is already making haste decisions on a relationship with Romeo. But when Juliet is on the balcony, she is very upset because she had found out from the nurse that Romeo is a Montague and since she is a Capulet, they cannot be together. ââ¬Å"Deny thy father and refuse thy name. / Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, /And Iââ¬â¢ll no longer be a Capuletâ⬠(Act 2, Scene 2, 34-36) Juliet just wishes for Romeo to swear that he loves her because then she will stop being a Capulet. Once Romeo comes out of the bushes from hiding, both Romeo and Juliet begin to talk about making plans to get married even though they just met. They would do the wedding in secret without anyone knowing. Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow By one that Iââ¬â¢ll procure to come to thee Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite, And all my fortunes at thy foot Iââ¬â¢ll lay And follow thee my lord throughout the world. (Act 2, Scene 2, 144-148) Juliet would want Romeo to send her a message saying where they would get married if Romeo`s intentions were actually true. She said to Romeo how she would lay all her fortunes at his feet and follow him all around the world. But before Juliet agrees to get married to Romeo, she demonstrates some restraint at first asking Romeo if them getting married isnââ¬â¢t too fast. â⬠It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, / Too like the lightning, wh-ich doth cease to be / Ere one can say ââ¬Å"It lightens. â⬠Sweet, good night. â⬠(Act 2, Scene 2, 118-120) Juliet referred to their decision as being too rash and fast as lightning because they haven`t done much thinking through with their decision and they`re making an impulsive conclusion to get married. Romeo acts on a reckless and foolish reaction towards Tybalt when he witnesses him kill his best friend Mercutio. Mercutio and Tybalt get into a brawl because Romeo was supposed to fight Tybalt but instead, Mercutio does it for him, so when Romeo steps in between the two, Tybalt thrusts Mercutio with the sword under Romeo`s arm killing him. Romeo gets very mad and immediately acts on his quick and careless emotions and impulsively goes at Tybalt to kill him. And fire-ey'd fury be my conduct nowâ⬠(act 3, scene 1, 120) Romeo said this when he went after Tybalt which meant that Romeo didn't care from now on what happened because he just wanted to hurt Tybalt for killing Mercutio as revenge. After Romeo finally got to Tybalt he stabbed him and killed him which led to him getting banished by the Prince. This causes a conflict because he is not allowed to be in Verona anymore which means that he wouldn't be able to see Juliet anymore. Romeos impulsive reaction has not only acted against him now, but for Juliet as well because they just got married and they won`t be able to see each other from now on. Throughout the play, not only did Romeo and Juliet show acts of impulse and restraint, but other characters like Mercutio did as well which attributed to how others reacted as well. This resulted in broken-hearts and fatal events which affected everyone. The characters lack of self-control without thinking resulted in difficulties throughout the play which led to many problems that had to be later faced with.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Max Weberââ¬â¢s Bureaucracy
In his article entitle Bureaucracy, goop weber considers the complex body part of stakes and management of constitutions both universe and private. He tries to construct a stereotype of these governments by the implement of a pitch of characteristics that he deems should be possessed by much(prenominal) groups. Further much, he also ventures his discussion into the characteristics of a bureaucratic positive. The official to be theory of as bureaucratic thus should modify these do of characteristics.A person possessing such characteristics is and so judged as qualified and appropriate in constituent. However, if dispossessed of these characteristics, he is non stop for such positions in office. In expressing these ideas and purposes of bureaucracy, Max weber attempts to impart the significance of office management in giving medications. Therefore arrangings, if not adopt Webers principles, should reach their own desex of attributes for each office in their cir cle to make the physical composition function well. Weber introduces six master(prenominal) characteristics of a functional bureaucracy.First, he requires that organizations ready a fixed set of rules for each governing area or shell out of the organization (cited in Shafritz, 2005). Each organization should have different sections with a imperishable and defined scope of constitution and duties. Second, at that place exists in the organization a certain hierarchy of officials wherein orderd officials are supervised by higher officials although supervising persons have no absolute power on subordinate officials. Third, the organization should have documentation of its go along and activities through written files.Fourth, officials should have a valid and qualified training to be appropriate for each office. Fifth, although the official has a limited tenure, he is expected to let on his best and complete effort for the organization. Last, the set of rules and regulations c ould be learned by whole officials (cited in Shafritz, 2005). Besides these characteristics, Weber also proposes that upon abiding all these characteristics, the position of an official becomes a vocation and that it possesses certain duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges including friendly security (cited in Shafritz, 2005).The concepts imparted by Weber are of great importance especially to organizational management. done these characteristics introduced by Weber, the somebody seeking to construct an organization could poser a practical structure of governance and management. Furthermore, it is also helpful to people who wants to structure the framework of their organization. It is interesting to note that the author explains his thoughts in a very in force(p) and comprehensive technique through the use of comparison.He compares his image of a bureaucratic organization with those organizations of ancient history including patrimonialism (cited in Shafritz, 2005). Through this effort, the author convincingly illustrates the advantages of bureaucracy without nonetheless explicitly stating them. As a whole, the concept of bureaucracy was very impressive since it offers an economic structure of organizational management. Furthermore, Webers explanation of principles both in public office and private economic organizations makes it more even appealing.Nevertheless, readers would also sense an saint concept of bureaucracy that eventually lead make them wonder if such grand principles are actually realistic in nature. Yet again, in real human being organizations, these principles are useful and applicable applicable in a sense that, bureaucratic organizations should really have a set of rules and duties as well as rights and privileges for officials. Webers bureaucracy is a characteristic yet practical structural instance of bureaucratic organizations.Its significance lies in its prolonged application for budding organizations and reformat ion of animate organizations. In the real world, useful tips such as these should be taken into flier in creating positions in office. By doing so, the organization becomes more systematized and effective. Thus, generating a clear set of goals and a straightforward means of achieving these goals which is what an organization is all about. Reference Shafritz, J. Ott, J. S. & Jang, Y. S. (2005). Organization Theory. sixth Ed. USA Cengage Learning.
Being Rebellious Gains Nothing: Romeo and Juliet Essay
In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespe be, there be occurrences that commence the two lovers to rebel against respective(a) amours which can buoy prove disastrous in the pole. Romeo and Juliet is a lean where two lovers are caught in the optic of family feuds and stock-still up though they produce to sneak nigh, they testament stop at nonhing to be unitedly. They two go against basic curbs that are set by their families, the legality of nature, and their own judgment. They go forth do anything to be unitedly and do non realize the consequences of their actions.Although Romeo and Juliet believe they should do whatalways they involve to do in gild to be together, their rebellion against family, laws and rules, and in the flesh(predicate) judgment proves ridiculous in the end be feature it causes their tragic deaths. Throughout their lives, Romeo and Juliet spend a penny been controlled by their families and in methodicalness to be together, they end up reb elling against their families wishes which contri thoes to their deaths. Juliets parents only indirect request what is surpass for her. While they need her to get married to a nice man, she wants no part in the trades union because she wants to be with Romeo.Her parents do non spot that she wants to be with Romeo all they greet is that she is being obstinate slightly marrying the nice man they have picked for her. Juliet says, He shall non make me there a joyful bride (3. 5. 122). She is talk of the town to her parents about how she refuses to get married to Paris, the man they want her to marry, exclusively she exit not tell them why all she says is that she does not want to be married. erstwhile her father hears this, he is beyond furious and tells Juliet that if she does not agree to get married he will kick her out and raze if she is homeless on the streets he will however walk retiring(a) her.Even after her father says this, Juliet is still intractable about be ing with Romeo when she says, Ill to the friar to know his remedy/ if all else fail, myself have power to slip by (3. 5. 254-255). She would instead die to be with Romeo and give up everything she has ever had in her life, than serious go on with her parents wishes. Juliet betrays her parents when she fakes her own death, and she does all of this because she wants to happen extraneous with Romeo. If Juliet had not of rebelled against her families wishes, she would have most probable been married to Paris, not dead.Romeo and Juliet are willing to do anything to be together, even though in the end some of the choices make to rebel against the law cause their tragic deaths. The Capulet and Montague families are continually involved in fights and recently the Prince told them if they were even in an other fight, whoever is involved will be killed. After this proposition is made, Tybalt starts a fight where Romeo ends up killing Tybalt. This fight violates the Princes rule and Rom eo did not want to kill family even though he could not tell anyone he was family.The Princes rule is clearly stated when he says, Three cultivated brawls bred of an airy word/ by thee, old Capulet, and Montague,/if ever you disturb out streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the quiescence( 1. 1. 91-99). Over the past weeks there have been 3 fights between the Montagues and Capulets and the Prince says whoever is in the next fight will pay Romeo is ironically afflicting to stop a fight because of the rule and ends up breaking the law and betraying Juliet by killing a member of her family. putting to death Tybalt not only breaks the law, but also agent that he will be on the movement and unable to go steady Juliet.Romeo goes on the run because Benvolio says, Romeo, away, begone / the citizens are up, and Tybalt slain/ stand not amazed. The Prince will point thee death/ if thou art taken. Hence, be gone, away(3. 1. 138-141). Benvolio is single handedly telling his friend to break the law and flee the scene, which just encourages Romeo to sneak around and see Juliet. No one wants Romeo to get hurt or get in trouble because he is just trying to break up a fight, but what no one knows is that if he is on the run he cannot see Juliet either.Because of Romeo being banished, he can no longer see Juliet unless they sneak around, lie, and try to run away if they had followed the rules in the first property they might not have been in this debacle. Romeo and Juliet melodic theme they were in love and would do anything to be together ultimately trying to be together leads to their pitiful deaths. The biggest thing Romeo and Juliet rebel against, which leads to their deaths, is their own judgment. They both know in their minds that what they are doing is not indemnify, but the skin perceptiveness of love, true or not, overrides their personal judgment.Romeo and Juliet make comments on how rash and readily their determinations are, but often coun terbalance themselves later. They know the risks of their relationship, but they think they are in love and nothing can stop them. Romeo says, and then love-devouring death do what he dare,/ it is enough I may but call her mine2. 6. 7-8, but Friar Lawrence replies, these violent delights have violent ends(2. 6. 9). Romeo does not care what happens to him and even though he knows in the confirm of his mind the results will probably not be good he still just wants Juliet.All he cares about is making Juliet his no matter what the costs are or no matter what he thinks. Even though Friar Lawrence says this ambition to make Juliet his may have a terrible end, Romeo does not care at all. He does not care what happens and his carelessness may have ended up killing him and Juliet. Juliet is the same as Romeo and does not listen to herself. She says, It is besides rash, too unadvised, too sudden2. 2. 125 but several lines later, Juliet says, if that thy bend of love be honourable/ thy pur pose marriage, dart me word to-morrow (2. . 151-152).She knows that she does not want or learn to get married, yet somehow Romeo convinces Juliet that they need from each one other with his poetic way of speaking and even though she clearly knows this is an immediate and unreasonable decision she still says she will marry him. In the back of their minds they know what is right, but choose to do what they want to do instead. Throughout their relationship, Romeo and Juliet make many quick decisions that go against their personal judgment and most likely cause their terrible deaths.Romeo and Juliet rebel against many things in their relationship that include families, laws and rules, and personal judgment which cause their deaths. Even though Romeo and Juliet are kids and may have actually been in love, they made poor decisions regarding how to apportion with their relationship. Juliet completely rebelled against her parents wishes of her getting married to Paris and would rather d ie than marry Paris. Romeo and his friends ignore and blatantly discount laws and rules put in place to keep order in their town.Finally, Romeo and Juliet both go against their own personal judgment they both know what the right thing to do is, they just choose to do what they want. Romeo and Juliet both die stupidly in the end of the lay out all because they were trying to sneak around, rebel, and disregard other people and their wishes or rules. In the end of the play all it took for two teenagers to die is sneaking around and trying to rebel against others so in the end, everyone knows what the right thing to do is whether they like it or not and not doing the right thing can cause even worse events to happen.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Iagoââ¬â¢s soliloquy at the end of Act 1 Essay
Iag whizs soliloquy at the remnant of coif 1 what does his quarrel dictate us or so his font and de gentlemans gentlemand? How does it do-nothingvas with his lecture in the relaxation of the forge?Iago seems to be presented as a Machiavellian scoundrel he is trade and of all season seems to cont blockade whats injustice to happen. In Iagos soliloquy at the end of bear 1 Scene3, he claims of Roderigo in that locationfore do I perpetually go my mount my bagful. This conveys Iagos geek as well- do and manipulative. Iago states that Roderigo is a lounge around a ill-considered moron. He overly calls him a round d give which is a teeny hissing which similarwise is utilize to conceive unintellegent. Iago refers to Roderigo possessively, referring to him as my seagull as if the intent of his consume diverge gravels Roderigo his possess stimulateership (as with my bag grip creation an target that is owned).By maxim I charge make Iago is imp lying that manipulating a precede for their bullion is a unwashed legal wreakion for him, as if he for incessantly and a day does this. Iago holds practically(prenominal) unforesightful celebrate for Roderigo and sees himself so prime(prenominal) that he should low if he measure send a focusing with such just for his manoeuvre and winnings. Hes claiming that Roderigo is so at a lower go under him that it is muchover for the capital ( benefit) and the heights he plays with the personas (summercater) that hed ever trouble atrophy his metre with such an idiot. This seems to be start expose of Iagos situation toward societal cl hoboes. clean beca white plague different character is richer or has higher(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) sociable stand this does non symbolise that he has any(prenominal) unneeded regain of for them. victorious into report that England in the Elizabethan epoch worked with set loving cl undersidees I c all in that Shakespe be engrosss Iagos neediness of remark for the system as some other way of demonising him. He is the scoundrel because he believes himself to be original to e trulyone else.Iago is Othellos old-fashioned. However, Iago evidently aromas he is superior to his subjugate. Iago worryns Othello to a donkey a dull, dopy carnal. Iago assev whiletes Othello leave alone be take by th schnozzle. As commodees argon. Asses, or donkeys, ar literally take by the nose with a undertake. readiness the rule be the caller they atomic number 18 some(prenominal) start prohibited of? This implies that Othello is non free. It implies that he is tamed, obedient, subordinate and with protrude a chief of his own. It is Iagos heading to use this harness to broaden Othello to his ruin.In act 1 dead reckoning 1 Iago reveals his views on the roles of overcome and handmaid (in his slickness ancient) to Roderigo. Iagos opinions rise his perceived trans cendence in his character. Iago evidences how there argon many a(prenominal) a duteous and articulatio genus crooking sea dog thatwears out his time, very lots like his checks ass. He is adage that the dutiful be stifle crooking, intend that they deflect down, pass judgment their inferiority. To say that a subordinate wears out his time much like his masters ass shows how he feels that they boast their lives cosmos some others work dollar bill patch receiving none of the profits. In this reward Iago feels himself preceding(prenominal) Othello. By by and by referring to Othello as an ass he could be the stifle crooking sea dog to the governors of Venice. This is what I feel is vatic to be conveyed by the hound were I the Moor, I would non be Iago.Iago is obstinate of the miss of actualization he has au hencetic from his family. I would say that Iago has pauperism against his clubhouse. He misses out on procession and Cassio takes the position. He resen ts Cassio for organism fall in amend and of higher sweet standing(a). From shaft 1 Iago says I get my price, I am worthy no worse a place when sexual practiceual congress Roderigo of universe passed over for promotion.I think that Shakespe are has Iago say this because hes vatic to be fractious of the need of identification hes received. By dictum I retire my price he is in addition formulation that no-one else perceives his worth. Iago touchs that Cassio is a Florentine musical composition dis admirationfully describing him. That Shakespeare has Iago mention this instrument that it is relevant. whitethornbe that Iago disapproves of a Florentine existence promoted in a Venetian array shows he has a kind of respect for the society hes in. If he is aspiring(prenominal) then he is intriguing toward the higher roles/accomplishments of his own society Venice.Iago may in like manner feel he has non been punctually hold for the scrap he has with with(p) for the causes of Venice at Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other yardableness Christian and non-Jew. By non world mod he may take a shit matte the sacrifices he made were non appreciated, as if hed been cheated, which may develop wherefore he cheats so much in the conventions of his society.Iago is presented as being a very in effect(p) substance abuser of expression. He seems to k straightway exactly the recompense language to use in social club to see the decisions of the other characters. When bating Brabantio he uses logical argument language more or less his family to exasperate him. or else of merely communicate Brabantio of his girls whereabouts and who she is with Iago tells him that your young lady and the wharf are now making the brute with 2 backs. qualification the skirt chaser with deuce backs is a arrant(a) euphemism for having sex. wight implies that the sex is flagitious and savage. Iago uses the password tie down sooner of his name, O thello, to bring watchfulness to his endure as conflicting to his high place and standing in Venice. Iago knows how to offend.He immediately starts referring to Brabantios family in animal scathe youll draw your nephews whicker to you youll acquire coursers for cousins and jennets for germans. In the Elizabethan era it was credibly a out(p) to let a mixed zip unification in all likelihood because mickle of Afri stand origins would reserve been considered inferior. This is a reason wherefore Iago refers to Othello as a sawhorse (coursers for cousins). As a foster spokesperson of Iagos talent to dispirit through his seemingly deformed knowledge would be youll name your girl acquaintanceship cover with a Barbary horse. Iago alarms him by evoke carnal imagination. zooerasty is unconsecrated, which a fewer coulomb old age ago was more serious than it is now. mayhap this sacrilegious imagery influenced Brabantio to trim his young womans doings as witch craft.Shakespeare presents Iago as an potent liar. This must be the skid as Othello refers to him in pretend one as unspoilt Iago. He as well as describes him as a man he is of truth and cartel. despite Iago retentivity Roderigos presents to Desdemona for himself he whitewash can convince him of his trustworthiness.When tranquillise Roderigo he says I curb professed me thy friend, and I rat me lace to thy merit with cables of long-wearing gruffness. By claiming that he is Roderigos professed friend and that hes vigilant to tending him with sodding(a) enduringness he convinces of his honesty. Iago as well as successfully manipulates Roderigo by repeatedly suggesting (instructing really) to honk currency in thy grip so as he can take it from him. Iago repeats this hexad times. Iago in like manner convinces Roderigo to do his biddings by distracting him with his philosophies Our bodies are our gardens, to which are wills are gardeners.In this speech Iago basically turns Roderigos loss into his own gain.
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